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English:The Role of the Institute of Japan and China and the International Students’ Institute in International Student Policy in Pre-War Period 
Japanese: 佐藤由利子, 見城 悌治.  
English: Yuriko Sato, Teiji Kenjo.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:The Japanese Journal of Studies on Asian Education 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 14        pp. 46‐59
Published date Nov. 20, 2020 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ajiakyouiku/14/0/14_46/_article/-char/ja
DOI https://doi.org/10.32302/ajiakyouiku.14.0_46
Abstract In this paper, two main organizations responsible for the support and education of international students in pre-war Japan are compared, namely, the Institute of Japan and China (Nikka-gakkai) and the International Students’ Institute (Kokusai Gakuyu-kai). The former was founded in 1918 for the support and education of Chinese students and the latter was established in 1935 to support and educate international students from other regions, especially South East Asia. The two organizations had received subsidies from the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ended up being involved in its overseas cultural maneuvering. The two organizations had similar functions: the provision of accommodation and Japanese language education, and other various functions related to studying and living in Japan. Both of them came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Greater Asia in 1942 and engaged in the education and training of those who were willing to cooperate with Japan in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Area. From the analysis of the activities, budget, and board members of the two organizations, this paper highlights the increased emphasis on diplomatic and militaristic aspects in international student policy in the pre-war period. It also compares the perceptions of students toward Japan and the career development of graduates, which were found to be largely influenced by diplomatic relations between their home countries and Japan.

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