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English:Network Diagnosis on Container Environment using SINDAN monitoring agent 
Japanese: 石原 知洋, 北口 善明, 阿部 博.  
English: Tomohiro Ishihawa, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, Hiroshi Abe.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 2021-IOT-52    No. 33    pp. 1-6
Published date Mar. 2021 
Japanese:一般社団法人 情報処理学会 
English:Information Processing Society of Japan 
Conference name
Japanese:第52回 インターネットと運用技術 (IOT) 研究会 
Conference site
Official URL http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00209426/
Abstract Recently, portable microservices based on container technologies such as Docker are widely used for system configuration. However, as IoT and edge computing become more widespread, the environments in which microservices operate are expected to become more diverse. In such diverse environments, it is essential to confirm whether the functions and quality required by the entire system and individual microser- vices can be provided correctly to the network. In this research, we propose a portable network quality measurement system using container technology, based on the SINDAN system, which is an existing network quality measurement system for such diverse microservice infrastructures.

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