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English:Dependence of total kinetic energy of fission fragments on the excitation energy of fissioning systems 
Japanese: 島田和弥, 石塚知香子, イワニュークフェディエール, 千葉敏.  
English: Kazuya Shimada, Chikako Ishizuka, Fedir Ivanyuk, Satoshi Chiba.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 104        054609
Published date Nov. 2021 
English:American Institute of Physics 
Conference name
Conference site
DOI https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.104.054609
Abstract We elucidated the reason why the average total kinetic energy (TKE) of fission fragments decreases when the excitation energy of the fissioning systems increase as indicated by experimental data for the neutron-induced fission events. To explore this problem, we used a method based on the four-dimensional Langevin equations we have developed.We have calculated the TKE of fission fragments for fissioning systems 236U∗ and 240Pu∗ excited above respective fission barriers, and compared the results with experimental data for n + 235U and n + 239Pu reactions, respectively. From the Langevin-model analysis, we have found that the shape of the abundant heavy fragments changes from almost spherical for low excitation domain to highly prolate shape for high excitation energy, while that of the light fragments does not change noticeably. The change of the “shape” of the heavy fragments causes an increase of a distance between the charge centers of the nascent fragments just after scission as excitation energy increases. Accordingly, the Coulomb repulsion between the two fragments decreases with an increase of the excitation energy, which causes the decrease of the average TKE. In this manner, we found that the change of the shape of the heavy fragment as a function of the excitation energy is the key issue for the TKE of fission fragments to decrease as the excitation energy of the fissioning nuclei increases. In other words, washing out of the shell effects, which affect the shape of the heavy fragments is the key reason for the decreasing energy dependence of the average TKE of the fission fragments.

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