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English:Dependence of discharge properties on the power-supply frequency in non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure Ar plasma 
Japanese: 竹村 将沙樹, 根津 篤, 赤塚 洋.  
English: Masaki Takemura, Atsushi Nezu, Hiroshi Akatsuka.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:令和4年電気学会全国大会 講演論文集 
English:Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting IEE of Japan 
Volume, Number, Page         p. 64
Published date Mar. 1, 2022 
Japanese:一般社団法人 電気学会 
English:The Institute of Electricala Engineers of Japan 
Conference name
English:The 2022 Annual Meeting IEE of Japan 
Conference site
Official URL https://gakkai-web.net/iee/program/2022/data/html/general/general1.html#SWEB6-C1
Abstract Although non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas are expected to be applied to industries such as medicine and agriculture, there are still many unknowns about their specific basic characteristics. In this experiment, for non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure Ar plasma, we measured how the discharge current characteristics change by adjusting the frequency of the applied voltage. As the frequency of the supply voltage was increased, the frequency of the current pulses generated by the atmospheric-pressure discharge also increased, and the frequency dependence was confirmed. It was also found that when the frequency exceeded around 55 kHz, the discharge suddenly became more intense and the current pulses became seven times larger.

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