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English:Japanese evaluated nuclear data library version 5: JENDL-5 
Japanese: 岩本修, 岩本信之, 國枝賢, 湊 太志, 中山梓介, 阿部 豊, 椿原 康介, 奥村森, 石塚知香子, 吉田正, 千葉敏, .  
English: Osamu Iwamoto, Nobuyuki Iwamoto, Satoshi Kunieda, Futoshi Minato, Shinsuke Nakayama, Yutaka Abe, Kohsuke Tsubakihar, Shin Okumura, Chikako Ishizuka, Tadashi Yoshida, Satoshi Chiba, .  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Feb. 2023 
English:Taylor and Francis 
Conference name
Conference site
DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2022.2141903
Abstract The fifth version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, JENDL-5, was developed. JENDL-5 aimed to meet a variety of needs not only from nuclear reactors but also from other applications such as accelerators. Most of the JENDL special purpose files published so far were integrated into JENDL-5 with revisions. JENDL-5 consists of 11 sublibraries: (1) Neutron, (2) Thermal scattering law, (3) Fission product yield, (4) Decay data, (5) Proton, (6) Deuteron, (7) Alpha-particle, (8) Photonuclear, (9) Photo-atomic, (10) Electro-atomic, and (11) Atomic relaxation. The neutron reaction data for a large number of nuclei in JENDL-4.0 were updated ranging from light to heavy ones, including major and minor actinides which affect nuclear reactor calculations. In addition, the number of nuclei of neutron reaction data stored in JENDL-5 was largely increased; the neutron data covered not only all of naturally existing nuclei but also their neighbor ones with half-lives longer than 1 day. JENDL-5 included the originally evaluated data of thermal scattering law and fission product yield for the first time. Light charged-particle and photon-induced reaction data were also included for the first time as the JENDL general purpose file.

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