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English:Examination of Structural performance of Reinforeced concrete beams using Coal gasification slag as Fine aggregate 
Japanese: 松浦 忠孝, 髙橋 恭涼, 千々和 伸浩, 岩波 光保.  
English: Yoshitaka Matsuura, Kyosuke Takahashi, Nobuhiro Chijiwa, Mitsuyasu Iwanami.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:構造工学論文集 A 
English:Journal of Structural Engineering, A 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 69A        pp. 884-892
Published date Apr. 11, 2023 
Japanese:公益社団法人 土木学会 
English:Japan Society of Civil Engineers 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/structcivil/69A/0/69A_884/_article/-char/ja
DOI https://doi.org/10.11532/structcivil.69A.884
Abstract The effect of using coal gasification slag as fine aggregate (CGS) generated from integrated coal gasification combined cycle for reinforced concrete beams was evaluated by bending, shearing, and axially-load tension tests. Results show that the long-term compressive strength increased with the use of CGS, but the crack initiation load tended to degrease. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the load-bearing performance was equivalent to that of concrete using a normal aggregate. Therefore, it is considered possible to use existing evaluation formulas to calculate flexural strength and shear strength. In conclusion, this study shows that CGS concrete can be used for structural members.

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