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English:Evaluation of Multiple Simulated Sea-Breeze Events in Tropical Megacity using High-Temporal-Resolution Observation Data 
Japanese: I DEWA GEDE Agung Junnaedhi, 稲垣 厚至, Varquez Alvin Christopher Galang, 神田 学.  
English: I Dewa G. A. JUNNAEDHI, Atsushi INAGAKI, Alvin C. G. VARQUEZ, Manabu KANDA.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering) 
Volume, Number, Page Volume 77    Issue 2    Page I1309-I1314
Published date Sept. 2021 
Japanese:公益社団法人 土木学会 
English:Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) 
Conference name
English:The 66th Hydraulic Engineering Conference 
Conference site
Official URL https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jscejhe/77/2/77_I_1309/_article/-char/en
DOI https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.77.2_I_1309
Abstract Simulation of seven sea-breeze days (SBD) during dry season in tropical megacity of Jakarta was carried out using WRF with detailed urban representation. Model simulations were evaluated using satellite derived cloud line and high-temporal-resolution meteorological data obtained from observation campaign in 2017 and 2018. Results shows that WRF with detailed urban representation was able to simulate sea-breeze features and the associative boundary layer development. In the early stage of sea-breeze, model convergence line associated with sea-breeze front were matched against cloud line derived from satellite imagery. WRF tend to produce earlier sea-breeze occurrence due to overestimation of shortwave radiation and underestimation of latent heat flux. In general, simulated wind speed, temperature and relative humidity shows good agreement with observed values. Model also able to well simulate sea-breeze features, including lower boundary layer over Jakarta associated with thermal induced boundary layer (TIBL). Sea-breeze TIBL is influenced by coastal form of Jakarta and might plays important factor in air quality over the city.

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