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English:A CSR framework proposal for the development of geothermal resources in Djibouti 
Japanese: MAHAMOUD ABDIAbdek, 村山武彦.  
English: Abdek Mahamoud Abdi, Takehiko Murayama.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Nov. 3, 2022 
Conference name
English:African Rift Geothermal Conference C9 
Conference site
English:Djibouti city, Kempinski hotel 
Official URL https://theargeo.org/C9/about.html
Abstract Geothermal energy is a widely used renewable energy source worldwide, and in East Africa, public companies are mainly involved in its development due to the high financial risks associated with the exploration phase. However, with the establishment of a geothermal risk mitigation facility at the African Union and the implementation of favorable legal frameworks by several East African countries, more and more private companies are now developing geothermal energy projects. Despite this progress, many geothermal development sites are located in remote areas with inadequate public infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, roads, water supplies, and electricity, resulting in underserved local communities. The negative impacts of geothermal energy development on environmental and social systems are well known and documented, but companies are now providing some basic needs to local communities through corporate social responsibility activities (CSR). However, it is important to note that these CSR activities remain limited. The purpose of this paper is to propose a CSR framework for geothermal energy development in Djibouti.

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