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English:Redefinition of the Temperature of Nonequilibrium Excited-State Distributions Based on Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics 
Japanese: 菊池 浩司, 赤塚 洋.  
English: Koji Kikuchi, Hiroshi Akatsuka.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:第42回プラズマプロセシング研究会 プロシーディングス 
English:Proceedings of 42nd Symposium on Plasma Processing 
Volume, Number, Page         pp. 50-51
Published date Jan. 28, 2025 
Japanese:公益社団法人 応用物理学会 プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会 
English:Plasma Electronics Division, Japan Society of Applied Physics 
Conference name
English:The 42nd Symposium on Plasma Processing 
Conference site
Official URL https://gakkai-gran.jp/spp42/
Abstract The excited-state population distribution in hydrogen plasma can define various excitation temperatures. The relationship between "various temperatures" was examined in a macroscopic sense, and "statistical mechanical temperature" is derived from partial differential calculations using entropy. As a result, by approximating the excited-state number density as a q-exponential distribution, it was found that the temperature calculated from the partial derivative of the q-average energy with respect to Tsallis entropy, that by the q-average energy alone, and that calculated as the Lagrange multiplier from the coefficient in the argument of the q-distribution all match. The possibility of uniquely defining temperature is found even in non-equilibrium by appropriately defining statistical mechanics and non-additive entropy.

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