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英文:Recent advances in robot active vision based on physiology 
和文: 張暁林.  
英文: Xiaolin Zhang.  
言語 English 
英文:Book of Abstracts ICIUS 2007 
巻, 号, ページ         pp. x
出版年月 2007年12月 
英文:IEEE. Indonesia section 
英文:International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2007 
英文:Bali, Indonesia 
公式リンク http://icius2007.centrums-itb.org/main.php
アブストラクト The human eyes have many movement types such as saccade, smooth pursuit, and vestibulo-ocular reflex. Furthermore, the two eyes have their own cooperative movements called conjugate and vergence eye movements. For example, the human eyes cannot move separately to focus on two separate targets at the same time, but they can move in inverse directions when a target moves closer or further away. In the first portion of this talk, I will attempt to explain why there are so many types of eye movements and why they are necessary. For example, when a human changes his/her gazing target his/her eyes will move using saccade. On the other hand, when a target is caught by the foveas of the two eyes, the eyeballs will move with the target using smooth pursuit. The reason for the cooperative movements, and a method to achieve binocular movements using active cameras will be discussed in the middle portion of this talk. In order to explain the principles behind the relationship of the two eye’s movements, I will introduce a binocular motor system model which we proposed based on the human neural pathways of the binocular motor system. Finally, I will introduce the recent results using our robots. For example, a security camera system which uses the principle of saccade and smooth pursuit eye movements. Another example is a system with binocular robot eyes that is controlled with a system based on our binocular motor system model. These systems exhibit several characteristics specific to human-eye movements, including the following: (1)Not only is it able to observe a wide area, but it can also find feature regions and obtain a high resolution picture of each region using gazing and smooth pursuit. (2)Both cameras(eyes) moves in tandem and is able to hold the same target point in the central visual area. This characteristic is considered a basic condition for structuring a stereo-image using the image signals from both eyes. (3) If one camera(eye) is obstructed by an obstacle, it will follow the movement of the other camera. Once the obstacle is removed, the previously obscured camera promptly finds the visual target.. (4) The systems have the ability to compensate for the blurring caused by base movement.

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