HETE-2 localization and observation of the gamma-ray burst GRB 020813
Sato, R.,
Sakamoto, T.,
河合 誠之,
Yoshida, A.,
Shirasaki, M. M. Y.,
Tamagawa, T.,
Suzuki, M.,
Nakagawa, Y.,
Lamb, G. R. R. D. Q.,
Atteia, J.-L.,
Graziani, C.,
Vanderspek, R.,
Villasenor, G. B. C. J.,
Fenimore, E. E.,
Hete-2 Science Team..
Sato, R.,
Sakamoto, T.,
Kawai, N.,
Yoshida, A.,
Shirasaki, M. M. Y.,
Tamagawa, T.,
Suzuki, M.,
Nakagawa, Y.,
Lamb, G. R. R. D. Q.,
Atteia, J.-L.,
Graziani, C.,
Vanderspek, R.,
Villasenor, G. B. C. J.,
Fenimore, E. E.,
Hete-2 Science Team..
A bright, long gamma-ray burst (GRB) was detected and localized by the instruments on board the High Energy Transient Explorer 2 satellite (HETE-2) at 02:44:19.17 UTC (9859.17s UT) on 2002 August 13. The location was to the GRB Coordinates Network (GCN) about 4 minutes after the burst allowing, early observations of a counterpart in the optical. In the prompt emission, the burst had a duration of approximately 125s, and more than four peaks. We analyzed the time-resolved energy spectrum of the prompt emission of GRB020813 using the Wide Field X-ray Monitor (WXM) and the French Gamma Telescope (FREGATE) in 2-400keV in detail. We find that the former part of the burst shows extremely hard X-ray spectrum.