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英文:Pre-flight performance and radiation hardness of the Tokyo Tech pico-satellite Cute-1.7 
和文: Kotoku, J., 片岡 淳, Kuramoto, Y., Tsubuku, Y., Yatsu, Y., Sato, R., Ikagawa, T., Saito, T., 河合 誠之, Konoue, K., Miyashita, N., Iai, M., Omagari, K., Kashiwa, M., Yabe, H., Imai, K., Miyamoto, Fujiwara, K., Masumoto, S., Usuda, T., Iljic, T., Konda, A., Sugita, S., Yamanaka, T., Matsuura, D., Sagami, T., Kajiwara, S., Funaki, Y., Matsunaga, S., Shima, T., Kishimoto, S. ..  
英文: Kotoku, J., Kataoka, J., Kuramoto, Y., Tsubuku, Y., Yatsu, Y., Sato, R., Ikagawa, T., Saito, T., Kawai, N., Konoue, K., Miyashita, N., Iai, M., Omagari, K., Kashiwa, M., Yabe, H., Imai, K., Miyamoto, Fujiwara, K., Masumoto, S., Usuda, T., Iljic, T., Konda, A., Sugita, S., Yamanaka, T., Matsuura, D., Sagami, T., Kajiwara, S., Funaki, Y., Matsunaga, S., Shima, T., Kishimoto, S. ..  
言語 English 
英文:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 565        pp. 677-685
出版年月 2006年9月 
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2006.05.247
アブストラクト The Cute-1.7 was launched successfully in February 2006 as a piggyback satellite of the Astro-F mission. The Cute-1.7 dimensions are 10×10×20cm box with a total mass of 3.6 kg. It is the second pico-satellite to have been developed completely by students of the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech.) after the successful launch of the CUTE-I in June 2003. The goals of the Cute-1.7 mission are two-fold: (1) to validate high-performance, commercially available products for the first time in space. We particularly use personal digital assistants (PDAs) as a main computer in orbit (2) to demonstrate new potential uses for small satellites in various space studies, as proposed by the “satellite-core” concept. For the Cute-1.7 mission, we will carry avalanche photo diodes (APDs) as a high-count particle monitor in low-Earth orbit. Here we present details of various ground tests and pre-flight performance of the Cute-1.7 immediately before the launch. Results of the Cute-1.7 mission will provide quick feedback for space applications of APDs in Japan's future X-ray astronomy mission NeXT.

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