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英文:Detector response of GSC/MAXI and its expected performance in orbit 
和文: Tsuchiya, Y., Yoshida, A., Yamaoka, K., Arakuni, T., Miyakawa, T., Matsuoka, M., Ueno, S., Tomida, H., Yokota, T., Kawasaki, K., Kuramata, N., Katayama, H., Morii, M., Mihara, T., Nakajima, M., Isobe, N., Kohama, M., Tsunemi, H., Miyata, E., 河合 誠之, 片岡 淳, Negoro, H. ..  
英文: Tsuchiya, Y., Yoshida, A., Yamaoka, K., Arakuni, T., Miyakawa, T., Matsuoka, M., Ueno, S., Tomida, H., Yokota, T., Kawasaki, K., Kuramata, N., Katayama, H., Morii, M., Mihara, T., Nakajima, M., Isobe, N., Kohama, M., Tsunemi, H., Miyata, E., Kawai, N., Kataoka, J., Negoro, H. ..  
言語 English 
英文:UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV. Edited by Siegmund, Oswald H. W. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5898, pp. 403-412 (2005). 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 5898        pp. 403-412
出版年月 2005年8月 
DOI https://doi.org/10.1117/12.616434
アブストラクト Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image(MAXI) is an X-ray all sky monitor, which will be attached to the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) on the International Space Station (ISS) around the year 2008. MAXI carries two types of scientific instruments. The Gas Slit Camera(GSC) consists of twelve Xe filled one-dimensional position sensitive gas proportional counters sensitive to X-ray in 2-30 keV band. The Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) is a set of X-ray CCD arrays sensitive to 0.5-10 keV photons. Both detectors are utilized in combination with a slit and orthogonally arranged collimator plates to produce one-dimensional X-ray images along sky great circles. The instruments are now under fabrication and preflight testing. A detector response matrix (DRM) of GSC is also under development phase based on flight model calibration tests for counters and collimators. MAXI's overall performance depends on not only hardware characteristics but on the fact that the field-of-view changes in time even during observations. To study this complicated situation, we are developing a software, DRM builder, and also a simulation software to evaluate "realistic" performance of GSC in ISS orbits.

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