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英文:Performance of the most recent avalanche photodiodes for future X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy 
和文: Kataoka, J., Ikagawa, T., Yatsu, Y., Kuramoto, Y., Saito, T., 河合 誠之, Serino, Y., Kotoku, J., Ishikawa, Y., Kawabata, N. ..  
英文: Kataoka, J., Ikagawa, T., Yatsu, Y., Kuramoto, Y., Saito, T., Kawai, N., Serino, Y., Kotoku, J., Ishikawa, Y., Kawabata, N. ..  
言語 English 
英文:High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy. Edited by Holland, Andrew D. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5501, pp. 249-260 (2004). 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 5501        pp. 249-260
出版年月 2004年9月 
アブストラクト We report on the performance of the most recent avalanche photodiodes produced by Hamamatsu Photonics, as low-energy X-rays and γ-rays detectors. APDs share good features of both photo diodes and PMTs, as they are very compact, produce an internal gain of 10-100, and have a high quantum efficiency close to 100% in the visible right. Until very recently, however, APDs were limited to very small surfaces, and were mainly used as a digital device for light communication. We have developed large area (up to 10x10 mm2) APDs which can be used in the physics experiments. The best energy resolution of 6.4% (FWHM) was obtained in direct detection of 5.9 keV X-rays. The FWHM results of 9.4% and 4.9% were obtained for 59.5 keV and 662 keV γ-rays respectively, as measured with the CsI(Tl) crystal. The minimum detectable energy for the scintillation light was as low as 1 keV at lightly cooled environment (-20°C). Note that our results are the best records ever achieved with APDs. Various applications of APDs are presented for future space research and nuclear medicine. In particular 2-dimensional APD arrays will be a promising device for a wide-band X-ray and γ-ray imaging detector.

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