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和文:FileSearchCube: A File Grouping Tool Combining Multiple Types of Interfile-Relationships 
英文:FileSearchCube: A File Grouping Tool Combining Multiple Types of Interfile-Relationships 
和文: 渡辺 陽介, 小田切 健一, 横田 治夫.  
英文: Yousuke Watanabe, Kenichi Otagiri, Haruo Yokota.  
言語 English 
和文:Web-Age Infromation Management, Springer LNCS 
英文:Web-Age Infromation Management, Springer LNCS 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 6184/2010        pp. 386-397
出版年月 2010年7月 
和文:the 11th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management 
英文:the 11th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management 
和文:Jiuzhaigou, China 
英文:Jiuzhaigou, China 
公式リンク http://www.springerlink.com/content/bn5p613382q371l6/?p=c83cb2a6c8f3475f8a94bce487fbf7b9&pi=37
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14246-8_38
アブストラクト Files in computers are increasing in number, so we require file management tools to find target files and to classify large groups of files. Our research group has been developing a system that provides virtual directories made up of related files. Many methods to extract inter-file relationships are available, such as word frequency, access co-occurrence, and so on. In practice, users need to select and combine multiple types of inter-file relationships to form groups of files they want. For this purpose, we propose FileSearchCube, a tool for file group analysis that introduces the data-cube concept. FileSearchCube provides cube operations for a set of files, and helps users to find relevant file groups.

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