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英文:Generational Differences in Perception of Affective Climate Antecedents 
和文: ウツタヤラツト ワラツター, 梅室 博行.  
英文: Waratta Authayarat, Hiroyuki Umemuro.  
言語 English 
英文:World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 
巻, 号, ページ     68    1225-1233
出版年月 2012年8月29日 
英文:The 33rd International Conference on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications 
英文:Kuala Lumpur 
公式リンク http://www.waset.org/conferences/2012/kualalumpur/icbeia/
アブストラクト This study aims to explore the differences and similarities in perceptions of affective climate antecedents at the workplace (intimacy, flexibility, employment stability, and team) among Japanese and Thai Generations X and Y. The samples in this study were Thai and Japanese workers who completed a work environment questionnaire and provided demographic information. Generational differences in perceptions (beliefs) of what factors contribute to affective climate were investigated using t-test analysis. Mean scores for each antecedent were ranked to determine how each generation in each group prioritized the importance of all affective climate antecedents. Japanese Generation Y perceived the importance of employment stability for affective climate of their workplaces to be significantly higher than did Japanese Generation X. Thai Generation Y considered flexibility with a higher priority than did Thai Generation X. Intimacy was perceived as highly important across generations and countries in regard to affective climate. Results suggest that managers should design workplaces for a mixture of diverse generations, resulting in a better affective climate. Differences in the importance of antecedents for affective climate among Generations X and Y in two countries were clarified. In addition, different preferences regarding work environment across Japanese Generations X and Y and Thai Generations X and Y were discussed.

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