An easily traceable scenario for 80% CO2 emission reduction in Japan through the final consumption-based CO2 emission approach: A case study of Kyoto-city
重藤 さわ子,
山形 与志樹,
Ryota Ii,
Masato Hidaka,
Masayuki Horio.
To develop a scenario, easily traceable even for ordinary citizens, toward the national challenge target of 80% CO2 reduction by 2050, we have proposed a new model that calculates the total CO2 emission based on the final consumption. Using the model, we have tested appropriate (locally available) technologybased sub-scenarios: (1) energy saving through electrification of all transportation; (2) promotion ofwood utilization for housing; (3) introduction of renewable energies; and (4) efficient energy recovery from wastes. Applying the scenarios to the Kyoto-city as a case study, we have found that local 80% CO2 emission reduction could be possible using appropriate technologies including emission reduction from construction of private and public infrastructures, and shifting our final consumption mode intolow CO2 emission has a significant impact. We have also argued that it is of interest to examine the future socio-economic change that would influence on people’s consumption behavior.