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英文:Effect of Annealing Conditions and Substrates Kinds on Metal-Insulator Transition Temperature of La1-xSrxMnO3-δ Thin Films for Smart Radiation Devices 
和文: 篠崎和夫, 佐藤賢一, 太刀川純孝, 大西 晃, 脇谷尚樹, クロス ジェフリー スコット, 塩田忠, 櫻井修.  
英文: KAZUO SHINOZAKI, Kenichi Sato, Sumitaka Tachikawa, Akira Ohnishi, naoki wakiya, Jeffrey Scott Cross, tadashi shiota, osamu sakurai.  
言語 English 
英文:Abstract Book of 8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics 
巻, 号, ページ     O027_2b05    p. 85
出版年月 2012年7月1日 
英文:8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics 
アブストラクト Smart radiation devices (SRD) are mounted on the external surface of satellites for the purpose of self-maintaining the satellites internal temperature. SRDs are advantageous because of their light weight and do not consume power. La1-xSrxMnO3-δ (LSMO) is one of the most promising candidate materials for SRD because LSMO shows a metal-insulator transition, and thermal emissivity changes drastically. LSMO bulk tiles have been mounted on satellites as SRDs and are effective for internal temperature control. In order to improve SRD further, we prepared LSMO films for further weight reduction and effective thermal control. Furthermore, it is expected that the residual strain in LSMO films allows improved control for the metal-insulator transition temperature. In this study, the effect of different substrates and annealing on metal-insulator transition temperature of LSMO films was examined. 1.8μm-thick LSMO films were fabricated on LaAlO3, YSZ, Si and YSZ coated Si substrates by a pulsed laser deposition method, and annealed at 750, 800 and 850 oC for 3 h in ambient air. The metal-insulator transition temperature of each LSMO film was estimated from magnetization curves. LSMO films deposited on the varying substrates showed different metal-insulator transition temperatures. Also, post-annealing affected the metal-insulator transition temperature. It is proposed that these results were directly related to the the amount of oxygen deficiency and different strain conditions in the films those changed the Mn-Mn ion distance, because the metal-insulator transition in LSMO impacted the electron transition due to double-exchange interaction between Mn ions. These results indicate that the shorter in-plane lattice parameter of LSMO films becomes, the higher the metal-insulator transition temperature increases. It was concluded that metal-insulator transition temperature of LSMO thin films can be controlled by the oxygen deficiency and residual stress.

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