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英文:Intercooled and Recuperated Jet Engine Using Airfoil Heat Exchangers 
和文: 伊藤優, 猪倉直也, 長崎孝夫.  
英文: Yu Ito, Naoya Inokura, TAKAO NAGASAKI.  
言語 English 
英文:Proceedings of 22nd International Society for Air Breathing Engines 
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出版年月 2015年10月25日 
英文:International Society for Air Breathing Engines 
英文:22nd International Society for Air Breathing Engines 
アブストラクト Aviation engines are strongly de-sired to reduce CO2, carbon dioxide, emission in the worldwide trend of CO2 reduction. Gas turbine engines are bound to remain as aviation en-gines by 2040 at least because of its high power density and no alter-native engine. Then, the aviation gas turbines definitely have to en-hance their efficiency and to reduce fuel consumption. One of the likely solutions is an ICR, intercooled and recuperated, jet engine. Some re-searchers have confirmed that the SFC, specific fuel consumption per thrust, certainly decreases by em-ploying an intercooler and a recu-perator; however, the fuel burnt, fuel consumption per flight, rises because of weight increase. There-fore, to decrease an ICR engine weight, the authors proposed a new concept of an ICR jet engine using existing airfoils, such as compres-sor stators and guide vanes, as heat exchangers. Their outer shapes are airfoils for working air in a gas turbine, and their inner shapes are circular for heat transport refrig-erant. Some airfoil heat exchangers are installed in a hot section (a compressor or a core nozzle), and the other heat exchangers are in-stalled in a cold section (a bypass duct or a combustor inlet). The re-frigerant transports heat between a pair of the heat exchangers. In this concept, the intercooler and recu-perator require no additional space except connecting tubes for the re-frigerant between the heat exchang-ers. Furthermore, an air flow path can remain at almost the same posi-tion as that in a baseline engine. To evaluate feasibility of this con-cept, the authors have experimental-ly investigated heat transfer per-formance of the airfoil heat ex-changers. In the previous studies, the authors revealed heat transfer rates for air, heat transfer rates for refrigerant, and thermal re-sistance of the airfoil heat ex-changer. In this paper, using this information, a new ICR jet engine will be designed, and its perfor-mance, weight, and feasibility will be theoretically evaluated.

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