Examined is the potential of Kα radiation from low charge chlorine from solid density C2H3Cl-plasma generated by an ion beam for cold dense plasma diagnostics. Relativistic atomic structure calculations using a GRASP code indicate that the Kα spectral shift from Cl+-Kα lines to those with a fully stripped M-shell is about 10 eV. Population kinetics and the subsequent spectrum calculations under a collisional radiative equilibrium (CRE) condition show clear spectral deformation in the electron temperature of less than 30 eV, where low charge chlorine having M-shell electrons is dominant. Opacity of the Kα lines with M-shell electrons is found to be small compared with those with no M-shell electron by radiation transfer calculation. Finally, the potential of the Kα radiation to apply for cold dense plasma diagnostics is discussed, giving us distinct understandings for energy deposition by an ion beam.