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和文:Array-based functional peptide screening and characterization of gold nanoparticle synthesis. 
英文:Array-based functional peptide screening and characterization of gold nanoparticle synthesis. 
和文: 田中祐圭, 引場 駿, 山下 健仁, 武藤 正記, 大河内 美奈.  
英文: Masayoshi Tanaka, Hikiba S, Yamashita K, Muto M, Okochi M..  
言語 English 
和文:Acta biomaterialia 
英文:Acta biomaterialia 
巻, 号, ページ     49    495-506
出版年月 2017年2月 
公式リンク http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27865964
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2016.11.037
アブストラクト Based on inorganic material production through biomineralization in organisms, the use of biological molecules in nanomaterial production has received increasing attention as a vehicle to synthesize inorganic materials with selected properties in ambient conditions. Among various biological molecules that interact with metallic surfaces, short peptides are putative ligand molecules as they exhibit potential to control the synthesis of nanoscale materials with tailored functions. Herein, using a spot synthesis-based peptide array, the gold nanoparticle (AuNP) binding activities of approximately 1800 peptides were evaluated and revealed various activities ranging from positive (high-affinity binding peptides) to negative (weak- or null-affinity binding peptides). Among 50 peptides showing the highest AuNP binding activity, 46 sequences showed the presence of tryptophan-based motifs including W[Xn]W, H[Xn]W, and W[Xn]H (W: tryptophan, X: any amino acid, n: 1-8 amino acid residues), whereas none of these motifs was found in the WORST50 peptides. Notably, three peptides showing the highest binding affinities possessed bi-functionality in AuNP binding and Au(III) reduction in solution and on solid surfaces. In addition, the characterization of truncated peptide derivatives revealed unique peptide motifs for their function expressions that also supported the importance of tryptophan-based motifs for peptide-AuNP binding. These findings open the door for peptide-mediated precise regulation of AuNP synthesis in ambient condition and for site dependent controlled AuNP integration onto nanotechnological devices.

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