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和文:Measurement of the Drell-Yan triple-differential cross section in pp collisions at s=8 TeV 
英文:Measurement of the Drell-Yan triple-differential cross section in pp collisions at s=8 TeV 
和文: M. Aaboud, 陣内 修, 久世 正弘, 山口 洋平, et al..  
英文: M. Aaboud, Osamu Jinnouchi, Masahiro.Kuze, Youhei Yamaguchi, et al..  
言語 English 
和文:Journal of High Energy Physics 
英文:Journal of High Energy Physics 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 2017    No. 12    pp. "059"
出版年月 2017年12月 
公式リンク https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85038838070&doi=10.1007%2fJHEP12%282017%29059&partnerID=40&md5=3e0c9c1220ae7c9c5e8cafc24360f4dc
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP12(2017)059
アブストラクト This paper presents a measurement of the triple-differential cross section for the Drell-Yan process Z/γ$^{*}$ → ?$^{+}$ ?$^{-}$ where ? is an electron or a muon. The measurement is performed for invariant masses of the lepton pairs, m$_{??}$ , between 46 and 200 GeV using a sample of 20.2 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions data at a centre-of-mass energy of $ sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2012. The data are presented in bins of invariant mass, absolute dilepton rapidity, |y$_{??}$|, and the angular variable cos θ$^{*}$ between the outgoing lepton and the incoming quark in the Collins-Soper frame. The measurements are performed in the range |y$_{??}$ | < 2.4 in the muon channel, and extended to |y$_{??}$ | < 3.6 in the electron channel. The cross sections are used to determine the Z boson forward-backward asymmetry as a function of |y$_{??}$ | and m$_{??}$ . The measurements achieve high-precision, below the percent level in the pole region, excluding the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity, and are in agreement with predictions. These precision data are sensitive to the parton distribution functions and the effective weak mixing

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