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英文:Beyond Book Smart: Media and Technology Literacy Curriculum to Promote Global Awareness 
和文: LUC Gougeon.  
英文: Luc Gougeon.  
言語 English 
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出版年月 2019年10月17日 
英文:International Communication and Community Development Conference 
英文:Notre Dame Seishin University 
公式リンク https://sites.google.com/view/ndsu-ic-conference-2019/home
アブストラクト Geographical and digital insularity makes it difficult for Japanese students to be globally minded. Can students quickly acquire new digital skills necessary for them to participate in the global conversation? While digital literacy and computer literacy can’t replace good pedagogy, it can offer educators a powerful tool to bring the world into the classroom. Digital skills also encourages students to develop a sense of agency in becoming active global citizen. This presentation describes actionable solutions originating from teaching in Japanese universities and doctoral research currently underway at Tokyo Institute of Technology in the field of educational technology. These different digital strategies were adopted in the context of advanced English classes at three different universities, all classes were heavily focused on cross-cultural understanding and global awareness. The introduction of technology in the classroom also closely align with the SDG # 4 goal which promotes education. The author is currently in the process of gathering data from students about their computer literacy level. The preliminary results seem to indicate that computer literacy is unevenly distributed among different universities. Our presentation showcase the technologies used to make the curriculum more connected to reality and more adaptive. We hope people will come out of this presentation with a clear understanding on how to integrate technology in their own curriculum. We will also offer different scenario depending on the technology available in different school, from the most connected to the least connected.

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