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和文:Homology length dictates the requirement for Rad51 and Rad52 in gene targeting in the Basidiomycota yeast Naganishia liquefaciens 
英文:Homology length dictates the requirement for Rad51 and Rad52 in gene targeting in the Basidiomycota yeast Naganishia liquefaciens 
和文: パルハットマルダン, 坪内英生, アルグンハンビルゲ, 梶谷嶺, BAKENOVAOMIRGUL, Yong‑Woon Han, 村山泰斗, 伊藤武彦, 岩崎博史.  
英文: Maierdan Palihati, Hideo Tsubouchi, Bilge Argunhan, Rei Kajitani, Omirgul Bakenova, Yong‑Woon Han, Yasuto Murayama, Takehiko Itoh, Hiroshi Iwasaki.  
言語 English 
和文:Current Genetics 
英文:Current Genetics 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 67    no. 6    pp. 919-936
出版年月 2021年12月 
公式リンク http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00294-021-01201-3
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00294-021-01201-3
アブストラクト Here, we report the development of methodologies that enable genetic modification of a Basidiomycota yeast, Naganishia liquifaciens. The gene targeting method employs electroporation with PCR products flanked by an 80 bp sequence homologous to the target. The method, combined with a newly devised CRISPR-Cas9 system, routinely achieves 80% gene targeting efficiency. We further explored the genetic requirement for this homologous recombination (HR)-mediated gene targeting. The absence of Ku70, a major component of the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA double-strand break repair, almost completely eliminated inaccurate integration of the marker. Gene targeting with short homology (80 bp) was almost exclusively dependent on Rad52, an essential component of HR in the Ascomycota yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. By contrast, the RecA homolog Rad51, which performs homology search and strand exchange in HR, plays a relatively minor role in gene targeting, regardless of the homology length (80 bp or 1 kb). The absence of both Rad51 and Rad52, however, completely eliminated gene targeting. Unlike Ascomycota yeasts, the absence of Rad52 in N. liquefaciens conferred only mild sensitivity to ionizing radiation. These traits associated with the absence of Rad52 are reminiscent of findings in mice.

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