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英文:Alleviation approach for flash flood risk reduction in urban dwellings: A case study of Fifth District, Egypt 
和文: Mohamed Wahba, Hatem Mahmoud, Wael M Elsadek, 鼎 信次郎, H Shokry Hassan.  
英文: Mohamed Wahba, Hatem Mahmoud, Wael M Elsadek, Shinjiro Kanae, H Shokry Hassan.  
言語 English 
英文:Urban Climate 
巻, 号, ページ Volume 42       
出版年月 2022年3月 
公式リンク https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212095522000487
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101130
アブストラクト Flash Floods resemble one of the most strenuous challenges that we face in the 21st century. Therefore, identifying the flooded areas is imperative to avert the negative consequences. An enormous number of researchers tended to study the impact of flash floods on vast areas which puts up some challenges if we want to address this deleterious effect of flash floods on small urban cities. This research focused on investigating and mitigating the devastating effect of flash floods on Fifth District– Egypt where the flash flood strikes many times a year. Furthermore, the study was developed on both community and building scale. The purpose of studying the community scale is to assess the risk level that may occur during certain predicted hydrographs. Moreover, this study was also conducted on a building scale to examine the effect of water excess on buildings and how many buildings are in the flood streamlines. The water depth was calculated in front of each building to make fully appraisal on the buildings state. Moreover, 32 underground tanks were utilized as protective measures. These tanks were located at the streamlines where the water flow accumulates. After applying the mitigation measures, the water depth decreased in the main streamlines as well as 153 m3 of the rainfall water was collected and could be reused after treatment. Eventually, the analytical hierarchy process was used to generate the weights of each component of flood hazard map. This map is essential to determine the most prone areas in the studied region.

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