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英文:Avatar Tracking Control with Featherstone's Algorithm and Newton-Euler Formulation for Inverse Dynamics 
和文: 杉森 健, 三武 裕玄, 佐藤 裕仁, 長谷川 晶一.  
英文: Ken Sugimori, Hironori Mitake, Hirohito Sato, Shoichi Hasegawa.  
言語 English 
英文:MIG '23: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games 
巻, 号, ページ     No. 16    pp. 1-10
出版年月 2023年11月15日 
英文:MIG '23: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games 
アブストラクト With a spread of inexpensive and easy-to-use motion tracking methods such as cameras and trackers for virtual realities (VRs), real-time motion-tracked avatars are becoming increasingly common in virtual environments, particularly social VRs, virtual performers (e.g., virtual YouTubers), and VR games. These applications frequently involve interactions among multiple avatars or between avatars and objects for communication or gameplay. However, at present, most applications do not sufficiently consider the effects of contact for avatars, thus leading to penetration or unnatural behavior. To achieve natural avatar motion in such scenarios, the player must perform as if contact has occurred, even though, in reality, there is no contact with the player’s body. While physics simulation can solve the contact issue, the basic use of physics simulation causes tracking delay. We therefore solve this tracking delay problem by employing Featherstone’s algorithm, a reduced-coordinate method for forward dynamics, and by utilizing the Newton-Euler formulation for inverse dynamics to compute tracking forces and torques. To evaluate the delay, we measured the difference between the joint rotations of the simulated model and the input joint rotations. The evaluation with our method indicates the difference is less than 1.4 micro radians for all joints in real time with a small computational cost. Moreover, accurate tracking enables the fixation of both feet. The proposed method provides accurate tracking and soft reactions to contact.

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