Home > Organization Info. > Tokyo Institute of Technology > Institute of Innovative Research > Irwan Liapto Simanullang

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Irwan Liapto Simanullang Researcher Information

Family Name Simanullan  Simanullang 
First Name IrwanLiapt  Irwan Liapto 
Status Resigned or Graduated
Degree Study on Burnup Performance of Small Pebble Bed Reactors with Accumulative Fuel Loading Scheme,  Outline,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/09/20,   
Study on Burnup Performance of Small Pebble Bed Reactors with Accumulative Fuel Loading Scheme,  Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/09/20,   
Study on Burnup Performance of Small Pebble Bed Reactors with Accumulative Fuel Loading Scheme,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/09/20, 
Study on Burnup Performance of Small Pebble Bed Reactors with Accumulative Fuel Loading Scheme,  Exam Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/09/20,   

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