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hiroyuki akama Researcher Information

Family Name 赤間  akama 
First Name 啓之  hiroyuki 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute for Liberal Arts
Specialized Field Others (fMRI, inguistics, machine learning, complex networks, computational neurolinguistics, graph clustering, French cultural history)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Biology & Life Science - Neurosciences
Research Theme functional magnetic resonance imaging machine learning complex networks computational neurolinguistics semantic analysis graph clustering embodiment cognition French cultural history 
Degree Tableau, Corps, Texte--Etudes sur la classification-récit en France au XIXe siècle,  Thesis,  Doctor of Literature,  1992/--/--, 
Related Page
Personal Homepage URLhttps://sites.google.com/site/akamatitechlab/profile
Department of Life Science and Technologyhttp://educ.titech.ac.jp/bio/faculty/research_lab/

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