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HIDEKAZU TANAKA Researcher Information

Family Name 田中  TANAKA 
First Name 秀数  HIDEKAZU 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology Center for Entrepreneurship Education
ResearcherID C-6530-2015
Specialized Field Others (Magnetism)
Degree 六方晶ABX3型Jahn-Teller結晶の構造相転移の研究,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  1986/03/31,   
準一次元Jahn-Teller結晶での協力的Jahn-Teller効果とスピンダイナミックスの研究,  Master of Science,  1982/--/--, 
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Personal Homepage URLhttp://www.lee.phys.titech.ac.jp/~tanakalb/tanakalb.html

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