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IKUYOSHI TOMITA Researcher Information

Family Name 冨田  TOMITA 
First Name 育義  IKUYOSHI 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Materials and Chemical Technology
ResearcherID B-9295-2015
Specialized Field Synthetic chemistry (Synthetic Chemistry)
Polymer chemistry (Polymer Synthetic Chemistry)
Degree Synthesis of Novel Boron-Containing Polymers and Related Reactions,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  1994/04/30,   
Synthesis of novel boron-containing polymers and related reactions,  Thesis,  Doctor,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  1994/04/30, 
Synthesis of Novel Organoboron Polymers,  Master of Engineering,  1990/--/--, 
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Personal Homepage URLhttp://www.echem.titech.ac.jp/tomita/tomita.html

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