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SOHICHI HIROSE Researcher Information

Family Name 廣瀬  HIROSE 
First Name 壮一  SOHICHI 
Status Resigned or Graduated
ResearcherID C-2307-2015
Specialized Field Structural engineering/Earthquake engineering/Maintenance management engineering (Applied mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Nondestructive Evaluation)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Environmental Science, Civil Engineering & Architecture - Engineering, Civil
Research Theme Applied Mechanics, Theory of Elastic Waves, Boundary Element Method, Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation, Ground Vibration, Numerical Simulation 
Degree A Study on Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems of Elastic Waves ,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  1987/--/--, 
傾斜層を有する地盤の波動伝播特性に関する研究,  Master of Engineering,  1982/--/--, 

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