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Hiroshi SAGARA Researcher Information

Family Name 相樂  SAGARA 
First Name 洋  Hiroshi 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research
ResearcherID GRX-7740-2022
Specialized Field Others (Nuclear Engineering)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Mathematics, Physics & Planetary Geoscience - Nuclear Science & Technology
Environmental Science, Civil Engineering & Architecture - Engineering, Environmental
Research Theme Nuclear Safety, Security, Non-proliferation Nuclear Reactor and Nuclear Energy Sysmte Engineering Multi Physics Analysis on Complex Event Partitioning and Transmutation Non-destructive Assay Technology Disaster Prevention and Resilience 
Degree マイナーアクチナイド核変換によるプルトニウムの核拡散抵抗性の強化,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2005/03/--, 
高強度中性子束を用いた90Srの核変換特性,  Master (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2002/03/--, 
Denaturing of Plutonium by Transmutation of Minor-Actinides for Enhancement of Proliferation Resistance,  Thesis,  Tokyo Institute of Technology, 

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