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Takayoshi Katase Researcher Information

Family Name 片瀬  Katase 
First Name 貴義  Takayoshi 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Frontiers Initiative MDX Research Center for Element Strategy
ResearcherID H-5956-2012
Specialized Field Inorganic materials/Physical properties (Functional ceramics, Surface/Interface properties)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Chemistry & Material Science - Materials Science, Ceramics
Research Theme Oxide Electronics, Thin Film Transistor, Optical device, Memory device, Thermoelectrics, Electrochemistry, Superconductivity, Thin Film interface 
Degree Heteroepitaxial Growth and Superconducting Properties of Iron Pnictide Thin Films,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2012/03/26, 
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Research maphttp://researchmap.jp/katase/

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