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Susumu Sato Researcher Information

Family Name 佐藤  Sato 
First Name 進  Susumu 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Engineering
ResearcherID B-9276-2015
Degree 予混合圧縮自己着火燃焼に及ぼす燃料成分の影響,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  Keio University,  2006/03/23, 
素反応数値計算によるLivengood-Wu積分着火遅れモデルの検証,  Master (Engineering),  Keio University,  2003/03/23, 
Bertrand du Guesclinの英雄譚について,  Bachelor (Engineering),  Keio University,  2001/03/23, 

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