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Mikio Shimada Researcher Information

Family Name 島田  Shimada 
First Name 幹男  Mikio 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research
ResearcherID E-1565-2015
Specialized Field Risk sciences of radiation/Chemicals (DNA Repair, Impact on life, Radiation BIology, Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology)
Research Field of Searching for Researchers Biology & Life Science - Radiology, Nuclear Medicine
Research Theme Radiation Biology, Molecular Biology, Cel Biology, Neural Development, DNA repair, Centrosome, Genome Instability 
Degree Inactivation of the Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome Gene Leads toExcess Centrosome Duplication via the ATR/BRCA1 Pathway,  Thesis,  Ph. D. (Human and environmental studies),  Kyoto University,  2009/03/23, 

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