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NAOKI YAMAMOTO Researcher Information

Family Name 山本  YAMAMOTO 
First Name 直紀  NAOKI 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Specialized Field Others (Electron Diffraction)
Condensed matter physics I (Optical Properties)
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties (Surface Physics)
Degree 強誘電強弾性体モリブデン酸ガドリニウムの電子光学的研究,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  1979/--/--, 
強誘電強弾性体モリブデン酸ガドリニウムの電子光学的研究,  Master of Science,  1974/--/--, 
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Personal Homepage URLhttp://www.sannomiya.iem.titech.ac.jp/Home.htm

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