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KOUICHI YASUDA Researcher Information

Family Name 安田  YASUDA 
First Name 公一  KOUICHI 
Status Resigned or Graduated
ResearcherID O-3136-2014
Specialized Field Composite materials/Physical properties (Composite Materials/Physical Properties)
Materials/Mechanics of materials (Machine Material/Material Mechanics)
Inorganic materials/Physical properties (Inorganic Material/Physical Properties)
Research Theme Mechanical properties, Mathematical physics, Classical mechanics, Statistical physics and thermodynamics, Ceramics, ceramic whiteware, Bricks, refractories 
Degree 複合系セラミックスの破壊靭性に及ぼす微細組織の影響,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  1993/12/31,    (Organization name: Tokyo Institute of Technology)

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