研究業績一覧 (14件)
Binod Amatya,
Jiro Takemura,
Osamu Kusakabe.
Centrifuge Modelling on Performance of Natural Clay Barrier with Piles,
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,
Vol. 6,
No. 4,
pp. 1-18,
Feb. 2007.
Binod Amatya,
Takemura, J.,
Centrifuge Model Test of Groundwater Pollution Due to Construction of Pile Foundations in Waste Disposal Site,
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering,
Vol. 16,
No. 1,
pp. 65-72,
Mar. 2006.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Jiro Takemura,
Binod Amatya,
Takeshi Ashida.
A Study on Assessment of Geological Barrier of Soft Ground with Partially Penetrating Sand Drains by Physical Models,
4th ASEAN Envi Eng Conf., Yogyakarta,
Proc. 4th ASEAN Envi Eng Conf., Yogyakarta,
Nov. 2011.
Jiro Takemura,
Binod Amatya,
Osamu Kusakabe.
“An Application of Centrifuge Model in Environmental Geotechnics Assessment of Soft Geological Barrier Subjected to Pile Constructions in Waste Disposal Site,
Proc. of Int. Symp. on Geoenvironmental Eng. ISGE2009,
pp. 295-313,
Sept. 2009.
Takeshi Ashida,
Osamu Kusakabe,
Binod Amatya,
Jiro Takemura.
Centrifuge study on assessment of geological barrier of soft ground with floating type sand drains”,
4th International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering,
4th International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering,
pp. 581-586,
Oct. 2006.
Binod Amatya,
Jiro Takemura,
Osamu Kusakabe,
Centrifuge study on assessment of soft geological barrier subjectec to massive piling,
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,
pp. 1203-1209,
Aug. 2006.
Binod Amatya,
Jiro Takemura,
Ruhul Kahn,
Osamu Kusakabe.
Centrifuge Tests to Evaluate Effects of Pile Construction on Post Closure Landfill Sites with Geological Barrier,
ISSMGE’s 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff,
Vol. 1,
pp. 353-360,
June 2006.
Binod Amatya,
Jiro Takemura.
Contaminant transport in clay and application of natural clay deposit as a liner of landfill,
Proc. 5th Intn. Summer Sympo, JSCE,
pp. 257-260,
Binod Amatya,
J. Takemura.
Analysis of conservative contaminant transport mechanism in clay liner with various field conditions,
Proc. 4th Regional Sympo. Infrastructure Development,
Vol. 1,
pp. 601-610,
Binod Amatya,
Contaminant transport through Bangkoko clay as a liner of landfill,
Proc.of 8th National Conven. on Civil Engrg,
Vol. 2,
pp. GTE393-398,
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
J. Takemura,
B. Amatya,
T. Ashida.
A Study on Assessment of Geological Barrier of Soft Ground with Partially Penetrated Sand Drains for Offshore Landfills,
Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development,
Proc. Tokyo Tech-KU Joint Seminar on Infrastructure Development,
pp. 58-65,
Oct. 2012.
Binod Amatya.
Contaminant transport through Bangkoko clay as a linear of landfill,
Seminar on Geoenvironmental Engineering: Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Site, AIT,
pp. 85-100,
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
芦田 健,
Binod Amatya.
Vol. 3,
pp. 2511-2512,
July 2005.
Binod Amatya,
M.R.A. Khan,
Osamu Kusakabe.
Centrifuge Test to Evaluate Effects of Pill Construction on Natural Clay Barrier,
Vol. 3,
pp. 2509-2510,
July 2005.
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