繁住健哉 研究業績一覧 (13件)
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Takeya Shigezumi,
Yushi Uno,
Osamu Watanabe.
A new model for a scale-free hierarchical structure of isolated clique,
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications,
Vol. 15,
No. 5,
pp. 661-682,
Aug. 2011.
Naoto Miyoshi,
Mariko Ogura,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara.
Subexponential interval graphs generated by immigration-death processes,
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences,
vol. 24,
no. 2,
pp. 289-301,
Apr. 2010.
Naoto Miyoshi,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara,
Osamu Watanabe.
Scale free interval graphs,
Theoretical Computer Science,
vol. 410,
no. 45,
pp. 4588-4600,
Oct. 2009.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Takeya Shigezumi,
Yushi Uno,
A new model for a scale-free hierarchical structure of isolated cliques,
4th Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM'10),
Proc. of 4th Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM'10),
LNCS 5942,
pp. 216--227,
Feb. 2010.
Naoto Miyoshi,
Mariko Ogura,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara.
Scale-free interval graphs generated by immigration-death processes,
2008 International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP 2008),
Proceedings of 2008 International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP 2008),
pp. CD-ROM,
July 2008.
Naoto Miyoshi,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara,
Osamu Watanabe.
Scale-free interval graphs,
4th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management (AAIM 2008),
Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management,
vol. LNCS5034,
pp. 292-303,
June 2008.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Naoto Miyoshi,
Mariko Ogura,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara.
Subexponential interval graphs generated by immigration-death processes,
Proceedings of the Queueing Symposium: Stochastic Models and their Applications,
pp. 88-97,
Jan. 2009.
小倉 麻理子,
三好 直人,
繁住 健哉,
上原 隆平.
無限サーバ待ち行列がつくるスケールフリー区間グラフ: クラスタ係数の評価,
pp. 270-271,
Sept. 2008.
Takeya Shigezumi,
Naoto Miyoshi,
Ryuhei Uehara,
Osamu Watanabe.
Scale free interval graphs,
Mar. 2008.
小倉 麻理子,
繁住 健哉,
三好 直人,
上原 隆平.
pp. 134-135,
Mar. 2008.
Naoto Miyoshi,
Takeya Shigezumi,
Ryuhei Uehara,
Osamu Watanabe.
Scale Free Interval Graphs,
東京工業大学グローバル COE 「計算世界観の深化と展開」発足シンポジウム,
Dec. 2007.
Takeya Shigezumi,
Osamu Watanabe.
Do interval graphs dream of scale-free network?,
July 2007.
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