ZISSLERROMAIN 研究業績一覧 (11件)
Romain Zissler,
Jeffrey S. Cross.
Can Japan Meet Its 2030 Nuclear Power Target?,
Journal of Asian Energy Studies,
Vol. 5,
pp. 20,
Oct. 2021.
Romain Zissler,
Jeffrey Scott Cross.
Impacts of a Japan–South Korea power system interconnection on the competitiveness of electric power companies according to power exchange prices,
Global Energy Interconnection,
Elsevier ScienceDirect,
Vol. 3,
No. 3,
pp. 292-302,
June 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Romain Zissler,
Tatsuya Wakeyama,
Jeffrey S. Cross.
International electrical interconnection to unlock solar photovoltaic potential and accelerate progress towards carbon neutrality in Japan and South Korea,
Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems,
Sept. 2021.
R. Zissler,
T. Wakeyama,
J. S Cross.
International electrical interconnection to unlock solar photovoltaic potential and accelerate progress towards carbon neutrality in Japan and South Korea.,
11th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop,
pp. 8,
Sept. 2021.
Romain Zissler,
Jeffrey S. Cross.
Shaping Japan’s Climate and Energy Future by Developing a National Dedicated Repository for Computer Simulation Research,
8th UKJEEL Workshop Asian Engineering Education Workshop,
8th UKJEEL Workshop Asian Engineering Education Workshop,
Feb. 2021.
Tatsuya Wakeyama,
Ko Setoguchi,
Romain Zissler,
Kenji Kimura.
The Impact of Renewable Energy Expansion on Electricity Market Price in Japan,
Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems,
Nov. 2020.
Comprehensive analysis of cross-border electricity trade between Japan and South Korea’s electric power companies,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Comprehensive analysis of cross-border electricity trade between Japan and South Korea’s electric power companies,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Comprehensive analysis of cross-border electricity trade between Japan and South Korea’s electric power companies,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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