星島一幸 研究業績一覧 (18件)

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Ito yusuke,
Kobayashi S,
Nobuhiro Nakamura,
Esaki M,
Miyagi H,
Hoshijima K,
Hirose S.
Close association of carbonic anhydrase (CA2a & CA15a), Na+/H+ exchanger (Nhe3b), and ammonia transporter Rhcg1 in zebrafish ionocytes responsible for Na+ uptake,
Front. Physio.,
Vol. 4,
Article 59,
Apr. 2013.
Kaori Saito,
Nobuhiro Nakamura,
Yusuke Ito,
Kazuyuki Hoshijima,
Masahiro Esaki,
Boqiang Zhao,
Shigehisa Hirose.
Identification of zebrafish FXYD11a protein that is highly expressed in ion-transporting epithelium of the gill and skin and its possible role in ion homeostasis,
Frontiers in Physiology,
Vol. 1,
No. 129,
Aug. 2010.
Naznin Sultana,
Kakon Nag,
Kazuyuki Hoshijima,
Dale W. Laird,
Atsushi Kawakami,
Shigehisa Hirose.
Zebrafish early cardiac connexin, Cx36.7/Ecx, regulates myofibril orientation and heart morphogenesis by establishing Nkx2.5 expression,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
Vol. 105,
No. 12,
pp. 4763-4768,
Mar. 2008.
T. Adachi,
H. Nakagawa,
I. Chung,
Y. Hagiya,
K. Hoshijima,
N. Noguchi,
M. T. Kuo,
T. Ishikawa.
Nrf2-dependent and -independent induction of ABC transporters ABCC1, ABCC2, and ABCG2 in HepG2 cells under oxidative stress.,
J. Exp. Ther. Oncol.,
Vol. in press,
M. Esaki*,
K. Hoshijima*,
S. Kobayashi,
H. Fukuda,
S. Hirose.
Visualization in zebrafish larvae of Na+ uptake in mitochondrion-rich cells whose differentiation is dependent on foxi3a,
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.,
Vol. 292,
pp. R470-R480,
K. Hoshijima,
S. Hirose.
Expression of endocrine genes in zebrafish larvae in response to environmental salinity,
J. Endocrinology,
Vol. in press,
K. Nag,
A. Kato,
T. Nakada,
K. Hoshijima,
A. C. Mistry,
Y. Takei,
S. Hirose.
Molecular and functional characterization of adrenomedullin receptors in pufferfish,
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.,
Vol. 290,
pp. R467-R478,
L. M. Goering*,
K. Hoshijima*,
B. Hug*,
B. Bisgrove,
A. Kispert,
D. J. Grunwald.
An interacting network of T-box genes directs gene expression and fate in the zebrafish mesoderm,
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,
Vol. 100,
No. 16,
pp. 9410-9415,
K. Hoshijima,
J. E. Metherall,
D. J. Grunwald.
A protein disulfide isomerase expressed in the embryonic midline is required for left/right asymmetries.,
Genes & Development,
Vol. 16,
pp. 2519-2519,
K. Hoshijima,
A. Kohyama,
I. Watakabe,
K. Inoue,
H. Sakamoto,
Y. Shimura.
Transcriptional regulation of the Sex-lethal gene by helix-loop-helix proteins,
Nucleic Acids Res.,
Vol. 23,
pp. 3441-3448,
K. Inoue,
K. Hoshijima,
I. Higuchi,
H. Sakamoto,
Y. Shimura.
Binding of the Drosophila transformer and transformer-2 proteins to the regulatory elements of doublesex primary transcript for sex-specific RNA processing.,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
Vol. 89,
pp. 8092-8096,
K. Hoshijima,
K. Inoue,
I. Higuchi,
H. Sakamoto,
Y. Shimura.
Control of doublesex Alternative Splicing by transformer and transformer-2 in Drosophila.,
Vol. 252,
pp. 833-836,
K. Inoue,
K. Hoshijima,
H. Sakamoto,
Y. Shimura.
Binding of the Drosophila Sex-lethal gene product to the alternative splice site of transformer primary transcript.,
Vol. 344,
pp. 461-463,
H. Saito,
H. Hirano,
H. Nakagawa,
K. Hoshijima,
T. Ishikawa.
Transport mechanism-based drug molecular design: a new strategy of high-speed screening and quantitative SAR analysis of ABC transport ABCG2 to design novel anticancer drugs,
Nova Science Publisher,
Vol. in press,
中田 勉,
Vol. 2,
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