研究業績一覧 (6件)
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Eizo Nakamura,
Akio Makishima,
Takuya Moriguti,
Katsura Kobayashi,
Chie Sakaguchi,
Tetsuya Yokoyama,
Ryoji Tanaka,
Takeshi Kuritani,
Hiroyuki Takei.
Comprehensive geochemical analyses of small amounts (<100mg) of extraterrestrial samples for the analytical competition related to the sample- return mission, MUSES-C,
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Report,
Vol. Sp. No 16,
pp. 49-101,
Tetsuya Yokoyama,
Akio Makishima,
Eizo Nakamura.
Precise analysis of 234U/238U ratio using UO2+ ion with thermal ionization mass spectrometry for natural samples,
Chemical Geology,
Vol. 181,
pp. 1-12,
Hiroyuki Takei,
Tetsuya Yokoyama,
Akio Makishima,
Eizo Nakamura.
Formation and suppression of AlF3 during HF digestion of rock samples in Teflon bomb for precise trace element analyses by ICP-MS and ID-TIMS,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy,
Vol. 77,
pp. 13-17,
Tetsuya Yokoyama,
Akio Makishima,
Eizo Nakamura.
Separation of Thorium and Uranium from Silicate Rock Samples Using Two Commercial Extraction Chromatographic Resins,
Analytical Chemistry,
Vol. 71,
pp. 135-141,
Tetsuya Yokoyama,
Akio Makishima,
Eizo Nakamura.
Evaluation of the coprecipitation of incompatible trace elements with fluoride during silicate rock dissolution by acid digestion,
Chemical Geology,
Vol. 157,
pp. 175-187,
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
ada, Y.,
Bowers, G.,
Enoto, T.,
Kamogawa, M.,
Nakamura, Y.,
Morimoto, T.,
Smith, D. M.,
Furuta, Y.,
Nakazawa, K.,
Yuasa, T.,
Matsuki, A.,
Kubo, M.,
Tamagawa, T.,
Makishima, K.,
Tsuchiya, H.,
Naohiro Yoshida.
Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm,
2018 AGU Fall Meeting,
Dec. 2018.
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