NovakJosef R. 研究業績一覧 (2件)
S. Typel,
M. Oertel,
T. Klähn,
D. Chatterjee,
V. Dexheimer,
C. Ishizuka,
M. Mancini,
J. Novak,
H. Pais,
C. Providência,
Ad. R. Raduta,
M. Servillat,
L. Tolos.
CompOSE reference manual; Version 3.01, CompStar Online Supernovæ Equations of State, “harmonising the concert of nuclear physics and astrophysics”,
The European Physical Journal A,
Vol. 58,
Issue 11,
Nov. 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
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