國分雅敏 研究業績一覧 (8件)
Shoichi Fujimori,
Yu Kawakami,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Masaaki Umehara,
Wayne Rossman,
Kotaro Yamada,
Seong-Deog Yang.
Analytic extensions of constant mean curvature one geometric catenoids in de Sitter 3-space,
Differential geometry and its applications,
Volume 84,
Oct. 2022.
Shoichi Fujimori,
Yu Kawakami,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Wayne Rossman,
Masaaki Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
Exceptional constant mean curvature one catenoids in de Sitter 3-space,
Jan. 2019.
Shoichi Fujimori,
Udo Hertrich-Jeromin,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Masaaki Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
Quadrics and Scherk towers,
Monatshefte für Mathematik,
July 2017.
Atsufumi Honda,
Miyuki Koiso,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Masaaki Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
Mixed type surfaces with bounded mean curvature in 3-dimensional space-times,
Differential Geometry and its Applications,
Vol. 52,
pp. 64-77,
June 2017.
Shoichi Fujimori,
Yu Kawakami,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Wayne Rossman,
Masaaki Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
Zero mean curvatrue entire graphs of mixed type in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space,
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,
Volume 67,
No. 4,
pp. 801-837,
Dec. 2016.
Shoichi Fujimori,
Yu Kawakami,
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Wayne Rossman,
M. Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
CMC-1 trinoids in H3 and metrics of constant curvature one with conical singularities on S^2,
Prooc. Japan Academy Ser. A,
Vol. 87,
pp. 144--149,
June 2011.
Kokubu Masatoshi,
Masaaki Umehara.
Orientability of linear Weingarten surfaces, spacelike CMC-1 surfaces and maximal surfaces,
Mathematische Nachrichten,
Vol. 384,
pp. 1903--1918,
June 2011.
Masatoshi Kokubu,
Wayne Rossman,
Masaaki Umehara,
Kotaro Yamada.
Asymptotic behavior of flat surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space,
J. Math. Soc. Japan,
Vol. 61,
No. 3,
Page 799-852,
Sept. 2009.
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