HOLMEPETTER 研究業績一覧 (36件)
Chen Shen,
Marko Jusup,
Lei Shi,
Zhen Wang,
Matjaz Perc,
Petter Holme.
Exit rights open complex pathways to cooperation,
J. Roy. Soc. Interface,
Vol. 18,
Jan. 2021.
Xiu-Xiu Zhan,
Ziyu Li,
Naoki Masuda,
Petter Holme,
Huijuan Wang.
Susceptible-infected-spreading-based network embedding in static and temporal networks,
EPJ Data Science,
Vol. 9,
Oct. 2020.
Petter Holme,
Doina Bucur.
Beyond ranking nodes: Predicting epidemic outbreak sizes by network centralities,
PLOS Computational Biology,
Vol. 16,
No. 7,
July 2020.
Lei Shi,
Ivan Romić,
Yongjuan Ma,
Zhen Wang,
Boris Podobnik,
Harry Eugene Stanley,
Petter Holme,
Marko Jusup.
Freedom of choice adds value to public goods,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, PNAS, PRONAS,
Vol. 117,
No. 30,
pp. 17516-17521,
July 2020.
Bin Zhou,
Xin Lu,
Petter Holme.
Universal evolution patterns of degree assortativity in social networks,
Social Networks,
Vol. 63,
pp. 47-55,
May 2020.
Zhanwei Du,
Petter Holme.
Coupling the circadian rhythms of population movement and the immune system in infectious disease modeling,
Vol. 15,
No. 6,
May 2020.
Boris Podobnik,
Dean Korošak,
Maša Skelin Klemen,
Andraž Stožer,
Jurij Dolenšek,
Marjan Slak Rupnik,
Plamen Ch. Ivanov,
Petter Holme,
Marko Jusup.
Beta-cells operate collectively to help maintain glucose homeostasis,
Biophysical Journal,
Vol. 118,
No. 10,
pp. 2588-2595,
May 2020.
Naoki Masuda,
Petter holme.
Small inter-event times govern epidemic spreading on networks,
Physical Review Research,
Vol. 2,
May 2020.
Yérali Gandica,
Petter Holme.
Free and freer XY models,
Physical Review E,
Vol. 101,
No. 3,
Mar. 2020.
Ewan Colman,
Petter Holme,
Hiroki Sayama,
Carlos Gershenson.
Efficient sentinel surveillance strategies for preventing epidemics on networks,
PLOS Computational Biology,
Vol. 15,
No. 11,
Nov. 2019.
Zhihai Rong,
Zhi-Xi Wu,
Xiang Li,
Petter Holme,
Guanrong Chen.
Heterogeneous cooperative leadership structure emerging from random regular graphs,
Chaos : an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science,
Vol. 29,
Oct. 2019.
Yi-Jiao Zhang,
Zhi-Xi Wu,
Petter Holme,
Kai-Cheng Yang.
Advantage of being multicomponent and spatial: Multipartite viruses colonize structured populations with lower thresholds,
Vol. 123,
Sept. 2019.
Petter Holme,
Mason A Porter,
Hiroki Sayama.
Who is the most important character in Frozen? What networks can tell us about the world,
Frontiers for Young Minds,
Vol. 7,
July 2019.
Eun Lee,
Sungmin Lee,
Young-Ho Eom,
Petter Holme,
Hang-Hyun Jo.
Impact of perception models on friendship paradox and opinion formation,
Physical Review E,
Vol. 99,
May 2019.
Petter Holme,
Luis E. C. Rocha.
Impact of misinformation in temporal network epidemiology,
Network Science,
Vol. 7,
pp. 52-69,
Apr. 2019.
Petter Holme.
Rare and everywhere: Perspectives on scale-free networks,
Nature Communications,
Vol. 10,
Mar. 2019.
Naoki Masuda,
Petter Holme.
Detecting sequences of system states in temporal networks,
Scientific Reports,
Jan. 2019.
Petter Holme,
Tupikina Liubov.
Epidemic extinction in networks: insights from the 12 110 smallest graphs,
New Journal of Physics,
Nov. 2018.
Sang Hoon Lee,
Petter Holme.
Navigating temporal networks,
Vol. 513,
No. 1,
pp. 288-296,
Sept. 2018.
Petter Holme.
Objective measures for sentinel surveillance in network epidemiology,
Physical Review E,
Vol. 98,
Aug. 2018.
Mian Tan,
Tinghong Yang,
Xing Chen,
Gang Yang,
Guoqing Zhu,
Petter Holme,
Jing Zhao.
A game-theoretic approach to optimize ad hoc networks inspired by small-world network topology,
vol. 494,
pp. 129-139,
Mar. 2018.
Mian Tan,
Ling Fang,
Yue Wu,
Bo Zhang,
Bowen Chang,
Petter Holme,
Jing Zhao.
A fault-tolerant small world topology control model in ad hoc networks for search and rescue,
Physics Letters A,
vol. 382,
no. 7,
pp. 467-476,
Feb. 2018.
Petter Holme.
Three faces of node importance in network epidemiology: Exact results for small graphs,
Physical Review E,
vol. 96,
no. 6,
Dec. 2017.
Minjin Lee,
Hugo Barbosa,
Hyejin Youn,
Petter Holme,
Gourab Ghoshal.
Morphology of travel routes and the organization of cities,
Nature Communications,
vol. 9,
Dec. 2017.
Luis E. C. Rocha,
Naoki Masuda,
Petter Holme.
Sampling of temporal networks: Methods and biases,
Physical Review E,
vol. 96,
Nov. 2017.
Petter Holme,
Nelly Litvak.
Cost-efficient vaccination protocols for network epidemiology,
PLOS Computational Biology,
vol. 13,
no. 9,
Sept. 2017.
Jain Gu,
Sungmin Lee,
Jari Saramaki,
Petter Holme.
Ranking influential spreaders is an ill-defined problem,
EPL : europhysics letters,
Aug. 2017.
Yuan Bai,
Bo Yang,
Lijuan Lin,
Jose L. Herrera,
Zhanwei Du,
Petter Holme.
Optimizing sentinel surveillance in temporal network epidemiology,
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 7,
July 2017.
Eun Lee,
Petter Holme.
Social contagion with degree-dependent thresholds,
Physical Review E,
July 2017.
Eun Lee,
Sang Hoon Lee,
Petter Holme.
Modeling the dynamics of dissent,
Physica A,
Vol. 486,
pp. 262–272,
June 2017.
Petter Holme,
Jari Saramaki.
Temporal Network Theory,
Nov. 2019.
Petter Holme,
Jari Saramaki.
A map of approaches to temporal networks,
Temporal Network Theory,
pp. 1-24,
Nov. 2019.
Petter Holme.
Probing empirical contact networks by simulation of spreading dynamics,
Complex spreading phenomena in social systems: Influence and contagion in real-world social networks,
pp. 109-124,
June 2018.
Naoki Masuda,
Petter Holme.
Introduction to temporal network epidemiology,
Temporal Network Epidemiology,
Springer Nature,
pp. 1-16,
Aug. 2017.
Petter Holme,
Luis E C Rocha.
Sensitivity to temporal and topological misinformation in predictions of epidemic outbreaks,
Temporal Network Epidemiology,
Springer Nature,
pp. 43-55,
Aug. 2017.
Naoki Masuda,
Petter Holme.
Temporal Network Epidemiology,
Aug. 2017.
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