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Takumi Murakami,
Takahiro Segawa,
Nozomu Takeuchi,
Gonzalo Barcaza Sepúlveda,
Pedro Labarca,
Shiro Kohshima,
Yuichi Hongoh.
Metagenomic analyses highlight the symbiotic association between the glacier stonefly Andiperla willinki and its bacterial gut community,
Environmental Microbiology,
Vol. 20,
No. 11,
pp. 4170–4183,
Nov. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Takumi Murakami,
Takahiro Segawa,
Nozomu Takeuchi,
Pedro Labarca,
Gonzalo Barcaza Sepúlveda,
Shiro Kohshima,
Yuichi Hongoh.
Analyses on the community structure and metagenome of the bacterial consortium from the gut of glacier stonefly,
International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere 2018,
Mar. 2018.
Takumi Murakami,
Takahiro Segawa,
Nozomu Takeuchi,
Pedro Labarca,
Gonzalo Barcaza Sepúlveda,
Shiro Kohshima,
Yuichi Hongoh.
Analyses of bacterial community structures associated with glacier-adapted invertebrates,
The 7th International Conference on Polar & Alpine Microbiology,
Sept. 2017.
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