研究業績一覧 (3件)
Ye Zhou,
Kexiang Zhao,
MA Amin,
C Fang,
Zhongyu Guo,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
J Niu.
Elucidating the role of phosphorus doping in Co and Ni-loaded carbon nitride photocatalysts for nefazodone degradation.,
Environmental Functional Materials,
Vol. 1,
No. 1,
pp. 114-120,
Aug. 2022.
Ye Z,
Zhongyu Guo,
Wang J,
Zhang L,
Guo Y,
J Niu,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Photodegradation of acebutolol in natural waters: important roles of carbonate radical and hydroxyl radical.,
Vol. 287,
No. 132318,
Feb. 2022.
Yuchen Guo,
Zhongyu Guo,
Zhang L,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Ye Z,
P Yu,
Y Qian,
Yuta Hatano,
J Wang,
J Niu.
Photodegradation of propranolol in surface waters: An important role of carbonate radical and enhancing toxicity phenomenon.,
Vol. 297,
No. 134106,
Feb. 2022.
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