デンカシン 研究業績一覧 (12件)
Basudev Maity,
Shiori Kameyama,
Jiaxin Tian,
Thuc Toan Pham,
Satoshi Abe,
Eri Chatani,
Kazuyoshi Murata,
Takafumi Ueno.
Fusion of amyloid beta with ferritin yields an isolated oligomeric beta-sheet-rich aggregate inside the ferritin cage,
Biomaterials Science,
The Royal Society of Chemistry,
Vol. 12,
Issue 9,
Page 2408-2417,
Mar. 2024.
Basudev Maity,
Jiaxin Tian,
Tadaomi Furuta,
Satoshi Abe,
Takafumi Ueno.
Atomic-level insights into a unique semi-clathrate hydrate formed in a confined environment of porous protein crystal,
Cryst. Growth Des.,
vol. 23,
no. 10,
pp. 7448-7458,
Sept. 2023.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Jiaxin Tian,
Basudev Maity,
Tiezheng Pan,
Satoshi Abe,
Takafumi Ueno.
Construction of histidine clusters within a ferritin cage for oxidase-mimetic catalysis,
Mar. 2024.
Tian Jiaxin,
Basudev Maity,
Tiezheng Pan,
Satoshi Abe,
Takafumi Ueno.
Construction of histidine clusters in a ferritin cage for the oxidase- mimetic catalysis,
72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting,
May 2023.
Jiaxin Tian,
Basudev Maity,
Satoshi Abe,
Takafumi Ueno.
Construction of antifreeze protein like semi-clathrate hydrate in the ferritin cage,
The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting,
Mar. 2023.
Jiaxin Tian,
Basudev Maity,
Abe Satoshi,
Takafumi Ueno.
Construction of histidine clusters in a ferritin cage for the oxidase-mimetic catalysis,
The 71st Symposium on Macromolecules,
Sept. 2022.
Jiaxin Tian,
Kenji Yasuda,
Basudev Maity,
Satoshi Abe,
Takeshi Murata,
Takafumi Ueno.
Construction of Antifreeze protein like semi-clathrate hydrate in the ferritin cage,
The 71st SPSJ annual meeting,
May 2022.
Jiaxin Tian,
Basudev Maity,
Satoshi Abe,
Takafumi Ueno.
Structural investigation of a semi-clathrate hydrate formation using porous ferritin crystals,
The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting,
Mar. 2022.
Jiaxin Tian,
Basudev Maity,
Satoshi Abe,
Kenji Yasuda,
Takeshi Murata,
Takafumi Ueno.
Effect of Alanine substitution at the 2-fold symmetric interface of the ferritin cage,
70th Symposium on Macromolecules,
Sept. 2021.
Jiaxin Tian,
Kenji Yasuda,
Basudev Maity,
Satoshi Abe,
Takeshi Murata,
Takafumi Ueno.
The role of helix modification in building hybrid ferritin cages,
The 70th SPSJ Annual Meeting,
May 2021.
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