上木泰修 研究業績一覧 (3件)
Yusuke Sugahara,
Taishu Ueki,
Daisuke Matsuura,
Yukio Takeda,
Minoru Yoshida.
Offline Reference Trajectory Shaping for a Cable-Driven Earthquake Simulator Based on a Viscoelastic Cable Model,
2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
Vol. 7,
No. 2,
pp. 2415-2422,
Apr. 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Matsuura D.,
Ueki T.,
Sugahara Y.,
Yoshida M.,
Takeda Y..
Reproduction of Long-Period Ground Motion by Cable Driven Earthquake Simulator Based on Computed Torque Method,
Fourth International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon 2019),
Pott A., Bruckmann T. (eds) Cable-Driven Parallel Robots. CableCon 2019. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 74,
Springer, Cham,
pp. 415-424,
June 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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