JIShuang 研究業績一覧 (13件)
Shuang Ji,
Jiro Hirokawa,
Takashi Tomura,
Hirobumi Saito.
X-band grating-loaded parallel-plate slot array antenna with low reflection,
IEICE Commun. Express,
Vol. 12,
No. 6,
pp. 277-281,
June 2023.
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Jiro Hirokawa.
Fast Analysis and Bandwidth Enhancement of the Radiating Subarray by Method of Moments for a Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna with Perpendicular-Corporate Feed,
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 70,
no. 4,
pp. 2645-2655,
Apr. 2022.
Shuang Ji,
Jiro Hirokawa,
Takashi Tomura.
A Wideband and High-Gain All-Metallic Perpendicular-Corporate-Fed Multi-Layered Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna,
IEEE Access,
vol. 10,
pp. 38000-38011,
Apr. 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Jiro Hirokawa.
Efficient Optimization for Bandwidth of the Element of a Multilayer Parallel-plate Slot Array,
Intl. Symp. Antennas Propag.,
Jan. 2021.
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Wideband Design of a Two-Layer Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna with Hollow Waveguide Corporate Feeding Network,
2020 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC-URSI joint meeting,
July 2020.
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Analysis of 2×2 Radiating Slots with Parallel-Plate Perpendicular-Corporate Feed Based on Method of Moments,
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,
Oct. 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Efficient Analysis and Wideband Design of a Tripe-Layer 2×2-Element Slot Array,
IEICE Society Conference 2020,
Sept. 2020.
S. Ji,
T. Tomura,
J. Hirokawa.
Wideband Design of a Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antenna with Hollow Waveguide Perpendicular-Corporate Feeding Network,
IEICE General Conference,
Mar. 2020.
Shuang Ji,
Takashi Tomura,
Analysis of the 2×2 Radiating Slots with the Perpendicular Corporate-feed Based on Method of Moments,
IEICE General Conference,
Mar. 2019.
Analysis and Design of a Perpendicular-Corporate Feed in Multi-Layer Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antennas,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Analysis and Design of a Perpendicular-Corporate Feed in Multi-Layer Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antennas,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Analysis and Design of a Perpendicular-Corporate Feed in Multi-Layer Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antennas,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Analysis and Design of a Perpendicular-Corporate Feed in Multi-Layer Parallel-Plate Slot Array Antennas,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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